Uptime :: Server


Apple fan tattoos logo on wrist

I am a huge Apple Computer fan. Huge. But not this fanatical. This fan tattooed the logo on his wrist and provided a photo chronicle of the event on his Flickr account, too. I don't have the guts for something like this. No sir. But he did.

read more | digg story

What to look for when buying a forum?

A very nice article, with interesting advices for people who want to buy community sites

read more | digg story


17 / 11 /2005 [ 11:15 PM + 9.5 Hrs GMT ]


you know its sad when something THAT is for the users like digg.com
is being spam by some F**KER just for fun
all what this is going to do is slow down how fast storys are posted or
make them mod/admin do some code work to auto block after xxx reports of spam
or something

why is it that F**Kers spam something that is for the users
coz they dont have a life and need something to do

my firewall

i had today in a 3 min window about 30 DOS hits on my FW IP address
like WTF

i got pages and pages of MS-SQL n DOS , n other dam hits
like WTF
do ihave ports open
arrr YES!
my FTP,HTTP,BT, ports yes
but hell..... i did't know i got like 400 to 600 HITS! on my firewall a day
b4 i had a hardware firewall that is control via a router/modem

i knew about 20 to 40 hits

yahoo chat
what happen to the good old days of stuff
where chat was not flooded by Porn and spamer bots

hell i can remeber back in 98 / 99 there was no bots ( that i can remeber) and how good it was
to use a nice fast chat serivce like yahoo chat

but know days
if u used yahoo chat u know what i mean
its feels like in everywhere room there is 3 bots to everyone person in there

u know its bad when u got more ppl in the shit bin than you do in the room that you can see what they are saying